Refund Policy

This Refund Policy describes the handling of payments made on the Platform (as defined in Terms of Use Agreement) along with the circumstances in which a refund can be granted to you.
  • EarthOnly handles payment through a payment gateway which charges transaction fees on each and every transaction made through such payment gateway.
  • When your transaction is successful through the payment gateway, EarthOnly immediately acts on such payment instruction and blocks the carbon credit(s) and incurs
  • Payment once made through the payment gateway shall not be refunded except in the following circumstances:
    • When your card/account got debited multiple times during a single transaction due to a technical error. In such a case, excess amount excluding Payment Gateway charges would be refunded to the Customer.
    • When your card/account got debited with excess amount in a single transaction due to a technical error. In such a case, excess amount excluding Payment Gateway charges would be refunded to the Customer.
    • When the payment has been charged on your card/account due to a technical error but you do not receive a confirmation on email from EarthOnly within 24 hours, you would have a right to seek refund till the time you do not receive the confirmation from EarthOnly.
  • If you are eligible for refund in terms of clause 3, you will have to make an application for refund along with the transaction number and original payment receipt to our email  (Please mention “Refund” in the subject line). The application will be processed manually and after verification, if the claim is found valid, the amount received in excess will be refunded by
  • This refund Policy shall be read together with the Terms of Use Agreement.
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